Mobile Devices

At School

Cell phones are allowed on campus, but may not be used during the school day, in the cafeteria, daycare  or on the bus.  When not in use, they must be turned off and kept in backpacks and not in students’ pockets.

On the Bus

The use of cell phones by students on school buses is strictly prohibited.  When students use cell phones on school buses while being transported to school, the driver will radio the Transportation Office and have them contact the school to have an administrator meet the bus when it arrives at school.  The administrator will take the phone and write a referral.  Remember, school buses are school property.

The procedures for cell phone use will be the same while on a school bus as they are at school.

The first time, the cell phone is confiscated and returned to the student at the end of the day, with a referral.
The second time, the cell phone is taken and the parents must come to the school to pick up the phone with a referral.


Texting, viewing or taking pictures is not allowed at any time or anywhere on school campus. The phone will be taken away, parent will be called and a referral given.