Every Minute Counts For Student Success!
This year Spring Creek Elementary is making a special effort to ensure that all students fully benefit from their education by attending school regularly. One of our main school improvement goals is to reduce our numbers of daily absences and tardies. Research shows that the single most important factor contributing to student achievement is school attendance. A student who is absent from school may be able to recover missed work. However, other important aspects of the lessons are lost forever. Absent students miss out on discussion, raised questions, explanations and much more. Students fall behind and sometimes never recover. Absences add up; missing just two days a month means a child misses 10% of the school year.
To support good school attendance:
- Talk with your child about the importance of attending school regularly.
- Avoid scheduling family trips or doctor appointments during school hours.
- Make sure your student eats healthy foods and gets enough sleep and exercise.
- Don't accept excuses for why your child "must" miss or be late for school.
- Discuss what happened at school each day.
- Support school rules and consequences for missing class and being tardy.
- Provide incentives for improving school attendance and promptness.