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Student Led Conferences: December 18, 2019
Have you ever wondered what a
Student Led Conference is or wanted
more information about it? If so, we
have an answer for you.
A Student
Led Conference is a
meeting format where students and
teachers prepare for the meeting as a
team and then the students lead the
conference while teachers are there to
help them, if needed. This meeting
format is a wonderful way for students
to show their learning and be
responsible for their own success.
Student led conferences put the
students in charge, holding them
responsible and accountable as they
present their work to their parents.
Please be on the lookout for the times
and days of this event. It is important
to be on time and bring your child with
you, as this is a scheduled Student Led
conference and they will be the leaders
of this wonderful event. During this
meeting your child will share classwork,
their data binders, daily procedures,
and classroom routines with you.
Children take great pride in this