What Is Roaring Readers

On the second Monday of every month from 6:00-7:30 p.m. we extend an open invitation for all our parents to bring their children to share the joys of reading.
Our Roaring Readers program was designed to show off effective reading strategies which parents may implement at home to improve their children's reading skills. Our families are drawn to this increasingly popular reading celebration with an upwards of 100 people attending each and every month.
"Panther Pages" (bilingual students from the fourth and fifth grade media club) greet our guests at the door. The media center is prepared for this monthly event by providing cozy reading corners lit by table lamps, soft backed chairs and a colorful reading center rug for all to sit on. Guest readers share favorite stories modeling methods for parents to emulate a theme when reading with their own children. Listening centers are also set up and reading games are available. 
Roaring Readers offers our families an opportunity to share wonderful stories and poetry individually, at listening centers and with guest read-alouds. Every 20 minutes or so, the guest reader brings to life the story he or she is reading with the use of puppets, props and animated annotation. Our Spanish speaking audience is also treated to stories read aloud in Spanish.
At the end of the evening, all children are given a free book of their choice to take home to share and enjoy, plus a delicious "themed-treat" is also provided for students, family members and community guests. When reading the book, "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie", guests were treated to a delicious chocolate chip cookie. Backpacks filled with books and reading activities, in both Spanish and English, are available for checkout, as well as books with audiotapes.